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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Meet the Kitties Sunday, and so many things to do...

If it's Sunday, it's catch-up-on-things-that-have-not-gotten-done-this-week day. AND...spend quality time with the kitties day! Yes, they do demand their quality time...

Today's To-Do list includes...

- Trim the kitties nails. They are way too long, and my furniture is way to pretty. May need to sit on them, I hate trimming their nails...
Max, 6 years old, Sealpoint Siamese with the cutest white socks from his tabby mama. 20 pounds, demands to lay on my chest and lick my face in the evenings after work. Occasionally still does the "snarfle" thing, which was cute as kitten, but now...When he's naughty, I call him Maximilian Pierpont, his full name, after a character in a book I once read. Too smart for his own good, used to be the Alpha kitty when he was the youngest and he shared his home with the dearly departed and often missed Beau and Cassie. That is, until Cleo came to live with us a few months ago...Silly me thought he needed a friend, they are so NOT friends. I do wonder if when I'm gone they cuddle up together and throw parties though. When I'm home, they are fighting for my attention.

Cleo, somewhere between 1 and 2 years, the shelter said she was a drop off and they weren't really sure. A gorgeous Flame Point Siamese. Loves to be sitting close and to be petted, but NOT to be held. Has the the sharpest, tiniest, needle like claws...Puts things like paper and socks, in the food and water dishes so that Max can't get to them. Became Cleopatra Queen of the House after 30 hours of entering the house. Once she came out from under the bed, well, it's never been the same. She chases Max, which is good, he needs the exercise. She went from scrawny 7 pounds to 11 pounds in two months. I changed their feeding schedule...

- Quality time with the kitties. This means letting Max sleep on me, letting Cleo tease me with her clawing at furniture (which I've covered, it's making her crazy), feeding, water, chasing, playing... Who needs children?

- Custom requested key tags from customers at my favorite yarn shop, Knit 'n Knibble (where I used to work part time, yummy yarn...). They ask, I create! It's a great shop, check it out...

- Digitizing some new embroidery ideas. I get these ideas in my head, then I need to get them out and stitchable. Not always easy. Often I sketch them, scan them, import them, redraw them... you get the process.

- Sewing, sewing, sewing... LOTS of things that need sewing.

- Serging, serging, serging, needles holders to post on my Etsy site.

- Groceries, yes, I need more than two Healthy Choice Steamers and some diet Root Beer in the house. Kitties could use some food too, they are running low.

- Laundry! Wow do I need to to laundry.

- Organize all these design ideas I have in my head. Or at least get them on paper with notes so that a week from now I'm not trying to remember them.

- Watch Desperate Housewives. My Sunday guilty pleasure. Although...I did record Sweeney Todd (sp?) last night, may need to work that in too...

- Put together my Christmas Gift Giving List. I need to get that organized, else I end up sitting at the shipping place a week before Christmas wrapping gifts (yes, that was last year, in the parking lot, after going in to borrow tape, the UPS guy was quite amused...)

- Finish that LAST washcloth to fulfill a special order. Tomorrow's list has "ship it" on it!

Oh my, this is a big list. No way I'm getting all this done. But at least I have a list to work from now...


CT said...

That's some list. And a Christmas list too!!?? Where oh where is my list from last year? Should still be think? - CT

p.s. Your kitties are beautiful and entertaining :)

Manderly-Rose said...

my lists never end, they are written on scraps all over the place. At the end of the week they are consolidated into new lists :-) it's an illness really.