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Monday, January 19, 2009

New Kitty Monday

As Max and Cleo lay sleeping in thier respective places, I am sitting here awaiting the arrival of the newest addition to the household. Ally, whose name reflects her being an alley cat, is at the vet being groomed, primped, and made all shiney and new, so that she can come live with us.

Ally is the kitty of some little girls I know who had to find her a new home, and asked me to take her. How can one say no to little girls and thier little girl faces?

Life as we know it will change. Max will NOT be happy. He made it quite clear when Cleo came to live with us that he had low tollerance for change. Much like his mama :-)

I have no idea how Cleo will take it. She's quite jealous of Max, even though he has lived with me 6 years and her about 8 months.

Ally arrives the day after a sad anniversary. I lost my first two kitties, Beau and Cassie, two years ago this past weekend. They were so devoted to each other that they died a day apart. They were old, 17 and 14 respectively. Max was freaked out for a few days, then took to being the only kitty with gusto.

So today our worlds change again. The world continues to spin, and there are always kitties who need luvins. Ally will have a wonderful home, and we all will adapt.

Welcome Ally!

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