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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukka, Feliz Navidad, Happy Kwanzi

Greetings! This is Max and Cleo taking a moment out of our very busy schedules to wish you and yours all the holiday greetings that we could think of. We hope that everyone has a safe, happy holiday, whichever one you celebrate!

We also wanted to share a photo that was sent to the mama yesterday. She showed it to us and said that this is why we don't get one of those pretty Christmas Trees are our house (we voted for one, but she has the oposable thumbs and we couldn't figure out how to put it together.) It is a picture of her friend Elizabeth's kitten enjoying their tree. Now we know we would have no problem doing this, and it looks like so much fun! That mean ole mama...aren't trees made for climbing?

We really don't understand why she is so stubborn about it! She said this pic is the kitten toward the top of the tree. How cool is that??

1 comment:

CT said...

Thank you for the holiday cheer Max and Cleo! Hope you got some extra catnip this year! - CT